Ash Agnite

Ash has always been surrounded by makers of art; her dad practiced calligraphy and loved to sing, her mom consistently cooked traditional Pampanguena food and hand-made their pillowcases and some of the clothes she wore. Even though she wasn't aware of it at the time, art was all around her and it inspired her to make with her hands at the early age of 8. She was born in San Fernando, Pampanga then migrated to California at the age of 6, at 16 she moved to Houston. Houston has been her home since. Over the years she has collected experience in multiple careers all surrounding art in some shape or form. She is a Multidisciplinary Intuitive Filipinx Artist, Holistic Plant-based Chef, Founder of Limitless Yoga Project (A non-profit organization dedicated to providing yoga therapy to those on a medical journey; including patients, nurses, doctors, etc.), and a 1000hr C-IAYT Yoga Therapist.

Ash has been doing art all of her life but only recently in 2019 has she begun to pursue her realized dream of being a working artist in Houston. Ash's art represents unity. It tells a story of how all colors and textures can live harmoniously despite being so contrasting and different, they even complement each other just by existing the way they do. Her style is a juxtaposition to its medium, watercolor, and gouache, which are known to be hard to control. There is no control over how some of these shapes are created. The paint moves, brush slides, human errors happen and now it is a different shape. The next color that's placed down is decided through feeling. There is an illusion of perfection, structure, yet it is completely abstract and satisfyingly imperfect. Together as collective human beings, we have dimensions, truths, and worlds that are different but still, we all belong to each other. Ash expresses these human intricacies through the intuitive patterning, texture creation, and color palettes she chooses.
